Collapse WindowDriving Directions to Campus
From the Richmond Airport and points west:
- Interstate 64 East
- Exit 234 to the right (199 East)
- Travel 8 miles, then turn left down Jamestown Road
From the Norfolk Airport and points east:
- Interstate 64 West
- Exit 242-A (199 West)
- Travel 5.2 miles, then turn right down Jamestown Road
For more information and additional maps, visit the Directions to Campus page at the William & Mary website.
Driving Directions to the home of Howard and Mary Busbee
Directions to the home of Howard and Mary Busbee – The Busbees’ home is at 721 College Terrace in Williamsburg, on the corner of College Terrace and Brooks Street, two blocks west of the Alumni House. From College Corner (“Jockey Corner” or “Confusion Corner”) travel west on Richmond Road 6/10 mile and turn left on Dillard Street. Go one block and turn right onto College Terrace. The Busbees’ home is at the end of the block. Even though signs indicate that parking is restricted, arrangements have been made for you to park in the neighborhood.
Driving Directions to the home of Babs Dunaway Bowers
For driving directions to Babs Dunaway Bowers, please visit Google maps here
Collapse WindowThe submission deadline for the Re-Echo has closed. Please contact Megan Taylor at mctaylor01@wm.edu with any questions or concerns.
Collapse WindowA block of rooms has been reserved for the Class of 1965 at the Williamsburg Lodge. To make a reservation, call 800.261.9530 and use the booking code 32128. The reservation block at the Fairfield Inn and Suites has closed.
Miss the hotel block deadline? Try one of these hotels located close to campus:
Hilton Garden Inn: 757.253.9400
Residence Inn: 757.941.2000
Springhill Suites: 757.941.3000
Embassy Suites: 757.229.6800
Parking Information
The gravel parking lot and spaces behind the Alumni House will be available for parking throughout the entire reunion weekend. Listed below are parking arrangements per event:
Academic Symposium - The Old Dominion parking lot in front of the Sadler Center will be available.
Welcome Reception - Guests can park along James Blair Drive (the road that extends from the Zable Stadium parking lot running parallel with the Sunken Garden).
Breakfast & Student Panel - The Old Dominion parking lot in front of the Sadler Center will be available. Guests can leave their cars there until after the Gift Presentation Luncheon (a bus will be transporting guests back to the Sadler Center after the lunch).
Gift Presentation Luncheon - If you opted not to participate in the Bus Tour and are driving straight to the luncheon, handicap parking will be available in Hunt Circle (right by Trinkle Hall). Other guests are asked to park in the large parking lot behind the Campus Center.
Reception, Dinner & Dance - Handicap parking will be available directly in front of Miller Hall. All guests are welcome to park in the large lot along Jamestown Road - be advised that multiple events are taking place around Phi Beta Kappa on Saturday. If parking is unavailable in the main parking lot, spaces in the parking garage along Ukrop Way have been reserved.
Old Guarde Induction Ceremony - Parking will be available at the Alumni House and buses will be transporting class members (and guests!) to the Wren Yard for the ceremony. Buses will also transport everyone back to the Alumni House after the service.
If you have any special parking requirements, please contact Leah Reinhardt, lkreinhardt@wm.edu, for coordination.
Class of ’65 working to super-size our reunion gift!
The extraordinary Class of '65 has exceeded our $15 million fundraising goal, a new W&M class gift record. The $1 million target for the Alumni House expansion also has been exceeded.
We celebrated all 50th Reunion Weekend! Now let's celebrate all year long!
Class Gift Progress
Overall Giving Goal: $
Overall Giving Percent: %
Class Project Giving: $
Alumni House Expansion $1,138,298
Alumni House Endowment $340,285
Class Project Giving Goal: $Class Participation: %
Class Participation Goal: %
Graduates Participation: 60%
Class of 1965 Project: Alumni House Expansion

As the sixth oldest alumni association in the nation, the William & Mary Alumni Association is focused on fostering the lifelong relationships and culture of engagement alumni have with their alma mater. By expanding the Alumni House, the Alumni Association will gain the much needed capacity to ensure that members of the class of 1965 and all alumni will have a warm and welcoming environment in which to renew friendships and forge new bonds when they return to their lifelong campus home.
In 1995 there were 53,000 alumni and that number has grown to over 92,500 today. It is estimated that by 2020 there will be 108,500 W&M alumni. Plans call for the addition of new meeting spaces, the largest with a capacity for up to 300 people; a business center; gathering spaces for visiting alumni; a catering area; and a new entrance with an expanded reception area to better accommodate our growing alumni body. A dedicated room will feature William & Mary’s history and a display of memorabilia. The Alumni House also will support expanded programing for alumni, students and the William & Mary community. With new and larger spaces, the Alumni House will be a key location for starting the lifelong engagement with students while they are still on campus. The Alumni House will serve as the western gateway to campus and as a visible statement of the importance of alumni to the College.
Current plans estimate the cost of the project to be $8 million. In addition, the Alumni Association is seeking to establish a $2 million building maintenance endowment that will ensure the new facility stands in excellent condition to serve the William & Mary’s growing alumni community for the long term.
The Class of 1965 is taking a leadership role in helping to raise funds for the expansion of the Alumni House by designating it as the class’s 50th reunion project. In recognition of our class gift project, a prominent space in the expanded facility will carry the Class of 1965’s name. Please show your support for the expansion of the Alumni House in ways that others will hear the thunder of our chorus – alma mater hail!
Giving Honor Roll
Collapse Window50th Reunion Gifts & Pledges
- WRN - Wren Society – Annual gift of $100,000 or more
- CS - Chancellor's Society – Annual gift of $25,000 or more
- GG - Green & Gold Society - Annual gift of $10,000 or more
- PS - President's Society – Annual gift of $5,000 or more
- FCS - Fourth Century Society – Annual gift of $2,000 or more
- RBS - Honorable Robert Boyle Legacy Society – Estate plan
- 30+ - More than 30 years of giving to the College
Donor | Giving Society | Giving 30+ Years |
Mary Chichester Ahlgren '65 | 30+ | |
Leslie Mcaneny Altomonte '65 | 30+ | |
Quinby James Amory '65 | ||
Jesse F. Amos '65 | 30+ | |
Robert F. Andrialis '65 | FCS | 30+ |
Glenda Hudgins Anthony '65 | ||
Jay A. Anthony '65, M.B.A. '70 | ||
Richard V. Ascoli '65 | ||
Kathleen Wiese Astor '65 | 30+ | |
Linda Mesimer Bailey '65 | ||
Melinda Duke Ball '65 | 30+ | |
Peggy Coddington Barker '65 | ||
Richard G. Barnesf '65 | ||
Elizabeth C. Barret '65 | 30+ | |
William I. Barton '65 | 30+ | |
James D. Bassage Jr. ‘65 | PS | |
Jeanne English Bedell '65 | 30+ | |
Ann Singleton Beebe '65 | ||
John P. Bell '65 | ||
Janet Beers Bendann '65 | 30+ | |
Mary Smith Biddlestone'65 | ||
Bonnie Burnett Bird '65 | ||
Paulette Odom Blankinship ‘65 | CS | |
Scott F. Blankinship ‘65 | CS | |
Ben A. Blanton Jr. '65 | 30+ | |
Lawrence E. Bolton '65 J.D. '68 | ||
Barbara Dunaway Bowers '65 | WRN | |
Mary Kerby Bowman '65 | ||
Mildred Babb Bransford'65 | ||
Marion Ostwald Brecht '65 | 30+ | |
Sue August Bridenstine '65 | ||
Ellen Rennolds Brouwer '65 | ||
Alan P. Brown '65 | ||
Malinda Sproul Brown '65 | ||
Patricia Canady Buchanan '65 | FCS, RBS | 30+ |
Penelope Sanders Buck '65 | ||
Kathryn Davis Burchell '65 | 30+ | |
Sally Hardy Burke '65 | FCS | 30+ |
Howard J. Busbee '65, J.D. '67, M.L.T. '68 | CS,RBS | 30+ |
Trilby Busch '65 | ||
Patricia Ward Capps '65 | ||
Katharine Anderson Carling '65 | 30+ | |
Linda Harris Carr '65 | 30+ | |
Courtney Morton Carter '65 | 30+ | |
Elizabeth Dunn Casey '65 | 30+ | |
Brian F. Chabot'65 | 30+ | |
Susan Roberts Chadd '65 | 30+ | |
George B. Chappell '65 | ||
Diane Rassiga Clark '65 | ||
Barbara Watson Clarke '65 | ||
Patricia Davis Cleveland '65 | ||
Wayne C. Codding '65 | ||
Mary Turner Coffey '65 | ||
Tucker S. Coleman '65 | ||
Rebecca Ruffin Collins '65 | ||
Thomas A. Connor '65 J.D. '70 | ||
Elizabeth Gebhart Cottingham ‘65 | 30+ | |
Suzanne Proudman Cowles '65 | ||
Joy Edman Crane '65 | ||
Karin Foelsche Crockett '65 | ||
Nancy Mitkievicz Crouse '65 | ||
Clyde E. Culp III '65 | 30+ | |
Gretchn Vandyck Daggett '65 | ||
Douglas B. Dann Jr. '65 M.Ed. '70 | ||
Nancy Diehl Deems '65 | ||
Michael A. Deligiannis '65 | ||
Thomas L. Demakes '65 | CS | 30+ |
Judy Weismann Dennen '65 | ||
Kathleen McGurrin Dunlap '65 | ||
Patricia Riley Dunlap '65 | ||
Elizabeth Barton Dunn '65 | ||
George M. Dupuy '65 | RBS | |
James F. Edwards Jr. '65 | ||
Andrew O. Egseth Jr. '65 | 30+ | |
Barbara Anderson Egseth'65 | 30+ | |
Joseph J. Ellis '65, L.H.D. '98 | GG | 30+ |
W. Maurice Enright '65 M.Ed.'69 | 30+ | |
Joe Anne Smith Erickson '65 | ||
Frederick W. Everett '65 | ||
Sarah Bailey Everett '65 | ||
Thomas A. Ewig '65 | FCS | 30+ |
Kathryn Power Fallis '65 | ||
Joseph T. Fecteau Jr. '65 | ||
Laurence W. Fennelly '65 | ||
Scott K. Ferguson '65 | ||
Scott K. Ferguson '65 | G&G | |
Sandra Bolick Finn '65 | ||
Pamela Wandell Fleming '65 | ||
Francis E. Fletcher Jr. '65, J.D. '68 | 30+ | |
Virginia Blount Fluet '65 | RBS | 30+ |
Zandra Wright Franklin '65 | ||
Suzanne G. Frayser '65 | RBS | |
Mary B. French '65 | 30+ | |
John C. Fuller '65 | G&G | |
Margaret Hodges Furr '65 | 30+ | |
Richard M. Furr Sr. '65 | ||
Helen Routh Gaines '65 | ||
Robert A. Gaines '65, J.D. '95 | CS | 30+ |
Walter F. Gale '65 M.Ed. '67 | ||
Patricia Niccoli Gasch '65 | ||
Robert M. Gates '65, L.H.D. '98 | CS,RBS | |
Henry H. George '65 | GG, RBS | 30+ |
Charles A. Glenn Jr '65 | ||
Hayden H. Gordon '65 M.S. '67 | ||
Sharon Spooner Gray '65 | PS,RBS | 30+ |
James L. Greaves '65 | ||
Frances Drewry Green '65 | 30+ | |
Mary E. Greene '65 | ||
Bonnie Cheshire Greenwalt '65 | 30+ | |
Martha Boyd Gresham'65 | ||
Gordon C. Gross '65 | ||
Gordon C. Cross '65 | ||
Marjorie Robert Guroff | 30+ | |
Lynne Marcus Halpin '65 | ||
Bridget Sullivan Hampson '65 | RBS | 30+ |
Glenmore Hines Harding '65 | CS,RBS | 30+ |
Susan B. Hardy '65 | RBS | |
Judith Pollard Harned '65 | 30+ | |
Ferdinand A. Hauslein '65 | ||
Arthur P. Henderson Jr. '65 | ||
Sara Shafer Hetzler '65 | ||
Charles P. Hoiberg '65 | ||
Everett W. Holland Jr. '65 | PS | |
Thomas P. Hollowell '65, J.D. '68, M.L.T. '69 | CS, RBS | 30+ |
Priscilla Brown Holman '65 | ||
Mary Rowland Holsten '65 | PS | 30+ |
Jodi Russell Horton ‘65 | ||
Elizabeth A. Hotchkin '65 | ||
Ann Cook Howard '65 | 30+ | |
Joseph L. Howard Jr. '65, J.D. '68 | 30+ | |
Gretchen Vanderboegh Howell '65 | ||
Tracy Debell Hurley '65 | ||
Ned C. Ingle '65 | ||
Linda Lane Izquierdo '65 | FCS | 30+ |
William J. Hurley '65 | ||
Mary Erskine Jackson '65 | ||
Carol Pierce Jellie '65 | ||
John N. Jester Jr.'65 | ||
Celia Curlee Johnson '65 | ||
Ernest L. Johnson III '65 | ||
J. Clifford Johnson Jr. '65 | WRN | 30+ |
Peggy Jones Johnson '65 | ||
Anne Barden Kirkup '65 | 30+ | |
Thomas J. Kirkup III '65 | 30+ | |
James W. Korman'65 | PS | 30+ |
Richard C. Kraemer '65 | WRN, RBS | 30+ |
Rebecca Ritchie Laine '65 | 30+ | |
Susan Stevenson Landis | 30+ | |
H. Raymond Lankford Jr. '65 | 30+ | |
Diane Owens Lehner '65 | FCS | |
Mary Kahle LeMat '65 | FCS | |
Dabney Delaney Leonard '65 | FCS | 30+ |
Richard K. LeRoy '65 | 30+ | |
Bernard J. Lieb '65, M.S. '67 | ||
Paul J. Lipani '65 | 30+ | |
Harry E. Litchfield III '65 | ||
Rhys G. Llewellyn '65 | ||
Patricia Trevvett Lucy '65 | ||
Edwin C. Luther III '65 | ||
Roslyn Reams Luther '65 | ||
Nancy L. Lutz'65 | ||
Chloe Lindsey Walters Lyon '65 | ||
Marguerite Furey Maguire '65 | FCS | 30+ |
Diane Bright Manning '65 | ||
Jane Tuggle Martin '65 | ||
Samuel T. Martin Jr. '65 | FCS | 30+ |
Dianne Dettmer Maughan '65 | ||
David M. Maytnier '65 | ||
Linda Nieder McCarthy '65 | PS | 30+ |
Barbara L. McDermott '65 | ||
Claudia Mahone McDonald '65 | ||
David L. McDonald '65 | ||
Peter McIntosh '65 J.D. '73 | ||
Patricia D. McMahon '65 | ||
Laura Youngblood Meagher '65 | ||
B. Elise Medinger '65 | ||
Barbara Wampler Melby '65 | FCS | 30+ |
Pamela Brown Michael '65 | FCS, RBS | |
Bruce C. Miller '65 | 30+ | |
Marguerite Kelly Morris '65 | ||
Martin M. Morris Jr. '65 | PS | |
Sandra Forstbauer Morris '65 | ||
Janet Neil Morrison '65 | FCS | 30+ |
Eugene P. Moser Jr. '65 | ||
Penny Plummer Moulis '65 | ||
John A. Moyer '65 | ||
Joan Robinson Munden '65 | 30+ | |
Eleanor Blair Murphy '65. M.Ed. '73 | ||
James M. Murphy '65 | CS | |
Janet Thurman Murphy '65 | 30+ | |
Linda Groom Murphy ‘65 | 30+ | |
Byrd Lacy Murray '65 | ||
Joseph H. Nash Jr. '65 | 30+ | |
W. James Noonan '65 | ||
Jeffrey B. Nickel '65 | ||
Donald R. Olsen '65 | ||
Peter G. Olson '65 | 30+ | |
Donald G. Owens '65, J.D. '71 | FCS | 30+ |
Lynn Meushaw Parent '65 | FCS | 30+ |
Marcia Anderson Partch '65 | ||
Diane Freeman Pollard '65 M.Ed. '68 | ||
Michael B. Pratt '65 | ||
Susan Collins Pudsey '65 | ||
Sally Wells Quigley ‘65 | ||
Paul W. Rasmussen '65 | ||
Dawn Smith Rawls'65 | ||
David W. Rector '65 | ||
Jean Freeman Reed'65 | ||
Julia Goodrich Reid '65 | ||
John S. Reid '65 | ||
Linda Cook Renick '65 | ||
Mary Ann Dalton Repass '65 | 30+ | |
W. Taylor Reveley III | CS | |
Fredrica Dudley Rice '65 | RBS | 30+ |
Peter B. Richardson '65 | ||
J. Patrick Ricks '65 | ||
John C. Riecks '65 M.Ed.'69 | FCS | 30+ |
Anne Kabler Robichaux '65 | 30+ | |
Ruth Lavaille Robinson '65 | 30+ | |
Frank W. Roebuck II '65 | ||
Christopher B. Rupp '65 | ||
Mary Liz Smith Sadler '65 | PS | 30+ |
Jan F. Sassaman '65 | 30+ | |
Miles C. Saunders Jr. '65 | ||
Michael R. Schoenenberger '65 | ||
Margaret Temple Sharman '65 | ||
Olive M. Shiers '65 | ||
Rebecca Mullins Shipp '65 | ||
Melissa Skillen Shull '65 | ||
Mary L. Sigmon '65 | ||
Ann-Meade Baskervill Simpson '65 | GG | 30+ |
Randolph Venable Sinisi '65 | ||
Elizabeth Grillo Skopik'65 | ||
Leslie P. Smith '65, J.D. '71 | 30+ | |
Edward L. Smoot '65 | ||
Michael P. Sopchak Jr. '65 | RBS | 30+ |
Shirley Freeze Spalding '65 | ||
James R. St. Martin '65 | ||
Richard J. Staron '65 | ||
Jean Acker Steele '65 | ||
Richard F. Stefanelli '65 | ||
J. Thomas Steger '65, J.D. '69 | 30+ | |
Jerry L. Stettler '65 | ||
Thomas D. Stieler '65 | ||
Martha Leef Stout '65 | FCS,RBS | 30+ |
Elizabeth White Suchar '65 | RBS | |
Karl L. Surber '65 | ||
Scott H. Swan'65 | 30+ | |
Donald B. Swink '65 | ||
Malcolm P. Taylor '65 | ||
Ruth Garnette Saunders Teass '65 J.D. '68 | 30+ | |
Luke E. Terry Jr. '65 | 30+ | |
David F. Thomas '65 | 30+ | |
Larry Thomas '65 | ||
Elizabeth Burrows Thompson '65 | ||
John L. Trevey Jr. '65 | FCS | 30+ |
Diane Kettner Urmann '65 | ||
Tommy E. Vaughan '65 | 30+ | |
Russell A. Vincent Jr. '65 | ||
Sallie Shwiller Vollerin '65 | PS | 30+ |
Joyce Hoskins Walk '65, M.Ed.'71 | ||
Joan Solinger Walker '65 | ||
Katherine Roach Wassink '65 | FCS | 30+ |
Carl R. Weber '65 | ||
William E. Wehner '65, C.L.U. '70 | CS | |
Jay-Louise Weldon '65 | PS | 30+ |
William L. Wellons '65, J.D. '68 | FCS | 30+ |
Virginia Whitener '65 | ||
Diane E. Wilson '65 | 30+ | |
Edward K. Wilverding '65 | ||
James R. Winfree '65 | ||
Barbara Hopson Witter '65 | ||
Margaret Dixon Woerle '65 | PS | |
William H. Wolfe '65 | ||
Richard P. Woodhouse '65 | ||
Lucille Minchin Zaleski '65 |
Campus Challenge Scoreboard
Greek Groups | Percent Participation | Campus Challenge Solicitor |
Alpha Chi Omega | 77% | |
Chi Omega | 71% | Dabney Dulaney Leonard |
Delta Delta Delta | 80% | Dabney Delaney Leonard |
Gamma Phi Beta | 78% | Bridget Sullivan Hampson |
Kappa Alpha | 90% | Donnie Owens |
Kappa Alpha Theta | 74% | Anne Kabler Robichaux |
Kappa Delta | 80% | Glenne Hines Harding |
Kappa Kappa Gamma | 69% | Barbara Dunaway Bowers |
Kappa Sigma | 67% | Bob Andrialis |
Lambda Chi Alpha | 50% | |
Phi Kappa Tau | 22% | |
Phi Mu | 40% | Randy Venable Sinisi |
Pi Beta Phi | 100% | Micki Leef Stout |
Phi Beta Kappa | 70% | Sharon Spooner Gray |
Pi Kappa Alpha | 57% | Jay Anthony |
Pi Lambda Phi | 38% | Jim Korman |
Phi Mu | 40% | Randy Venable Sinisi |
Sigma Alpha Epsilon | 56% | Clyde Culp |
Sigma Chi | 50% | |
Sigma Nu | 40% | Rich Kraemer |
Sigma Phi Epsilon | 67% | Bill Wehner |
Sigma Pi | 75% | Tom Hollowell |
Sigma Pi Sigma - Physics | 56% | Sharon Spooner Gray |
Theta Delta Chi | 64% | Howard Busbee |
Student Activities | Percent Participation | Campus Challenge Solicitor |
Canterbury Club | 65% | Henry George |
Colonial Echo | 67% | Melinda Duke Ball |
Choir & Chorus | 76% | John Trevey |
Dorm Council | 86% | Kathleen Wiese Little-Astor |
Flat Hat | 68% | Kathie Wiese Little-Astor |
Football | 80% | Scott Swan |
Mermettes - Synchronized Swimming Team | 71% | Margie Kelly Morris |
Order of the White Jacket | 75% | Martin Morris |
Orientation Aide | 72% | Lynne Yerkes Halpin |
Student Association | 89% | Ann-Meade Baskervill Simpson |
Society Scabbard & Blade | 100% | Donnie Owens |
Swimming Club | 50% | Pete Olson |
Young Democrats | 75% | Barbara Wampler Melby |
Note: Gift Society memberships will be effective for the 2015-2016 fiscal year and based on cash gifts or pledge payments given this fiscal year.
About the Olde Guarde
Collapse WindowThe Olde Guarde of Their Majesties' Royal Colledge in Virginia is comprised of all alumni whose identified class has celebrated its fiftieth reunion and is part of the Alumni Association of the College of William & Mary. They are dedicated to preserving the heritage of the College of advocating its advancement and reputation among the nation's institutions of higher learning.
Through social, service and educational programs they endeavor to promote among our membership the welfare and support of the W&M Alumni Association. They plan activities, events and projects as opportunities for members to assist in enhancing the life of our alma mater.
Each year the Olde Guarde hosts a variety of activities from the Olde Guarde Celebration (celebrating 55th, 60th, 65th, 70th and 75th reunions), Olde Guarde Day (an annual gathering for all members) as well as an Olde Guarde Luncheon during Homecoming and a float in the homecoming parade. If you have any questions or want to learn more, please visit the Olde Guarde facebook page here or email the Office of Alumni Events at alumni.events@wm.edu
For more information about the Olde Guarde events that will happen immediately after 50th Reunion weekend, please visit our Events page here.
Honorary Reunion Committee Chair
Collapse Window- Chancellor Robert M. Gates
Reunion Committee Chair
- Richard C. Kraemer
Reunion Committee Co-Chairs
- Howard J. Busbee
howard.busbee@mason.wm.edu - Glenne Hines Harding
ghharding@comcast.net - Thomas P. Hollowell
Reunion Committee Members
- Robert S. Andrialis
bob60madison@yahoo.com - Melinda Duke Ball
- Barbara D. Bowers
bdbowers@gmail.com - Patricia Canady Buchanan
patbuchanan65@cox.net - Clyde E. Culp
cecmec@aol.com - Thomas L. Demakes
tdemakes@thinntrim.com - Virginia Blount Fluet
vfluet@yahoo.com - Robert A. Gaines
rgaines@aum.edu - Henry H. George
hgeorge@imva.net - Sharon S. Gray
shagray22@gmail.com - Lynne Yerkes Halpin
lynneyerkes@gmail.com - Bridget Sullivan Hampson
hgh45@aol.com - Deedle Rowland Holsten
deedlecode3@gmail.com - James W. Korman
Jkorman@beankinney.com - Diane Owens Lehner
DianeLehner@yahoo.com - Dabney D. Leonard
dodleonard3@verizon.net - Kathleen Wiese Little-Astor
klittle@collegeboard.org - Barbara W. Melby
swampfrog1@gmail.com - Lynn Meushaw Parent
lynnparent@comcast.net - Pam Brown Michael
pbmich@wm.edu - Marguerite Kelly Morris
morrismarguerite@hotmail.com - Martin Matthew Morris, Jr.
mopac@mopac.biz - Joseph H. Nash
jandjnash@gmail.com - Peter G. Olson
petedaze1403@yahoo.com - Donald Gary Owens, Esq.
donaldgowens@gmail.com - Anne K. Robichaux
awkr772@gmail.com - Ann-Meade Baskervill Simpson
annmeadesimpson@williamewood.com - Michael P. Sopchak, Jr.
mikesopchak@stny.rr.com - Martha Leef Stout
Micki4@verizon.net - Malcolm Palmer Taylor, Jr.
mptjr42@gmail.com - John L. Trevey, Jr.
jtrevey@his.com - William E. Wehner, Jr.
Collapse WindowTo register and pricing for the weekend of a lifetime, please visit the registration page on the W&M Alumni website.
Reunion of a Lifetime Events
Collapse WindowPlan to come back home to spend time with old friends, make some new ones, and rekindle your love for your alma mater. Do not miss this special opportunity, one that is impossible to describe - the reunion of a lifetime!
Friday, May 1

Reconnect with classmates
Alumni House Lawn
Commonwealth Auditorium
Wren Building
On Friday from 1-3 p.m. we will register and enjoy a barbecue picnic luncheon from the campus food truck. Following lunch, the afternoon gives way to Academic Symposiums which will allow attendees the opportunity to hear from one of W&M's most entertaining professors, Scott Nelson. Friday evening we will gather for a Welcome Reception behind our beloved Wren Building to rekindle old friendships and make new ones.
Registration will remain open at the Alumni House until 8 p.m.
Saturday, May 2

Enjoy an event filled day
Sadler Center
leaves from Sadler Center
Trinkle Hall
Raymond A. Mason School of Business
Raymond A. Mason School of Business
Saturday will begin at 8 a.m. with a full breakfast in Sadler Center, followed by a student panel. The students will talk about life on campus today and ask us about life on campus during the 60's. After the student panel, buses will wind through the old and new campus giving participants a view of the transformation of the College over the past five decades. The tour will end at Trinkle Hall where a gourmet lunch will be served at noon. During lunch the class will unveil its gift to the College and present the check to President W. Taylor Reveley III.
During free time guests will be able to view Swem Library's newly renovated Media Center. If you would like to have your W&M story sound-recorded for University Archives, please contact Leah Reinhardt at lkreinhardt@wm.edu prior to April 27
Saturday evening will be filled with dinner, drinks and dancing. We will gather in the grand foyer of the spectacular Raymond A. Mason School of Business where we will enjoy the beauty of the one of the newer buildings on campus while sipping on one of your favorite drinks and mingling with friends. After the reception we will dine in the lovely Brinkley Commons Room before celebrating the night while dancing to the sounds of the Mystic Soul Bubba's, a popular Virginia band specializing in music from the 60's and 70's.
Sunday, May 3

Caps and Gowns - Inductions and Remembrance
Alumni House
Wren Courtyard
At the home of Babs Dunaway Bowers
At the home of Howard Busbee
School of Education
As they say, you save the best for last and our last day will begin in the morning collecting caps and gowns at the Alumni House before boarding buses to the Wren Courtyard. There, you will process into the Yard as a class while remembering your graduation day. On the occasion of your 50th Reunion you will be inducted into The Olde Guarde of Their Majesties' Royall Colledge in Virginia and honor classmates in a service of remembrance. Beneath the trees and surrounded by the beauty of the Wren Building you will be transported back to the days you walked this campus every day. This special experience is sure to be the highlight of this weekend.
After a class photo, you are invited to travel to the home of Babs Dunaway Bowers for an afternoon luncheon. Sunday evening we will gather once again to raise a toast to one another and our beloved college at the home of Howard Busbee. This cocktail hour will be the end of our 50th Reunion and the beginning of the journey into The Olde Guarde.
Members of the Class of 1965 and guests are encouraged to join those who graduated 55, 60, 65 and 70 years ago at the Olde Guarde Celebration Dinner at the School of Education.
For driving directions to the home of Babs Dunaway Bowers and the home of Howard Busbee, please visit our Directions page here.
Monday, May 4

Olde Guarde Day
Sadler Center, Commonwealth Auditorium
Sadler Center, Tidewater Rooms
Sadler Center, Chesapeake Rooms
Monday will begin with a guest speaker from the College's administration. Learn more about the campus and the topics that are alive and innovative. From 11 – noon enjoy a Bloody Mary Reception and catch up with fellow alumni who graduated before you. Over lunch you will gather with more than 200 members of the Olde Guarde as President Reveley gives a state of the College to the audience.
Who's Coming
Collapse WindowNote: If you recently registered and don't see your name here yet, check back. The list is updated approximately every few days.
Leslie M. Altomonte '65
Jesse F. Amos '65 with guest Laquita Amos
Robert Stanley Andrialis '65 with guest Cynthia Andrialis
Jay A. Anthony '65 with Glenda Hudgins Anthony '65
Melinda Duke Ball '65 with guest Harry Stuart Ball III
Peggy Coddington Barker '65
William I. Barton '65 with guest Nora Donovan-Barton
Jeanne English Bedell '65 with guest David T. Bedell
Janet Beers Bendann '65
Barbara Dunaway Bowers '65 with guest Michael J. Bowers
Marion Ostwald Brecht '65 with guest George F. Brecht
Sue August Bridenstine '65 with guest William A. Bridenstine Jr. M.L.T. '86
Ellen Rennolds Brouwer '65
Alan P. Brown '65 with Malina Sproul Brown '65
Patricia Canaday Buchanan '65 with guest Donald Long Buchanan
Penelope Sanders Buck '65 with guest James Buck
Howard J. Busbee '65, J.D. '67, M.L.T. '68 with Mary Whitt Busbee HON '03
Trilby Busch '65
Katharine Anderson Carling '65 with James R. Carling ' 64, M.B.A. '71
Courtney Morton Carter '65 with guest Robert J. Coates
Elizabeth Dunn Casey '65 with guest Robert E. Casey
Susan Roberts Chadd '65 with guest Charles M. Chadd
Diane Emily Clark '65 with guest Chuck Corjay
Barbara Watson Clarke '65
Patricia Ellen Cleveland '65
Rebecca Ruffin Collins '65
Elizabeth Gebhart Cottingham '65
Suzanne Proudmand Cowles '65 with Carter Cunningham Cowles III '58
Joy Edman Crane '65
Clyde E. Culp III '65 with Mary Ellen Coleman Culp '66
Thomas L. Demakes '65 with guest Marill Murphy Demakes
Douglas Barker Dann Jr. '65 M.Ed. '70 with guest Mikelle Schreicher
Michael John Debranski '65
Judy W. Dennen '65 with guest David Haydn Dennen
George McVicar Dupuy '65 with guest Beth S. Dupuy
Joseph J. Ellis '65 with guest Ellen Ellis
Kathryn Power Fallis '65 with guest Stanley R. Fallis
Sandra Bolick Finn '65 with guest Mark Terrence Finn M.B.A. '87
Virginia Blount Fluet '65 with guest Joseph E. Fluet Jr.
Suzanne Garnett Frayser '65 with guest Jean P. Thoma
Mary Blake French '65 with Richard E. Crouch '62, B.C.L. '64
John Dwight Fuller '65 with guest Mallory Fuller
Margaret Hodges Furr '65
Robert A. Gaines '65 with Helen Routh Gaines '65
Henry Harman George '65 with Nancy Sadler George HON '03
Hayden Herbert Gordon '65 M.S. '67
Sharon Spooner Gray '65
Frances Drewry Green '65 with guest Robert G. Green
Bonnie Cheshire Greenwalt '65 with geust J. Frank Greenwalt Jr.
Marjorie Robert Guroff '65
Lynne Yerkes Halpin '65
Bridget Sullivan Hampson '65 with guest Harry Graham Hampson
Glenmore Hines Harding '65 with guest Dave Weibel
Judith Pollard Harned '65 with David A. Harned '62
Arthur P. Henderson, Jr. '65 with Nancy Rhodenhizer Henderson '66
Sara Shafer Hetzler '65 with guest John Stephen Hetzler
Everett Warren Holland Jr. '65
Thomas P. Hollowell '65, J.D. '68, M.L.T. '69 with guest Lyttleton Hollowell
Priscilla Brown Holman Ph.D. '65 with Charles R. Holman, Jr.
Mary Rowland Holsten '65
Joseph L. Howard Jr. '65 J.D. '68 with Ann Howard '65
William J. Hurley '65 with guest Mary R. Hurley
Mary Erskine Jackson '65
Carol Pierce Jellie '65 with guest Billy Jellie
Celia Curlee Johnson '65 with James A. Johnson '66
Ernest L. Johnson III '65 with Brenda Johnson '67
John Clifford Johnson, Jr. '65 with guest Mary Ann Johnson
Thomas James Kirkup III '65 with Anne B. Kirkup '65
James William Korman '65 with Barbara Lewis Korman '66
Richard C. Kraemer '65 with Carole Ann Kraemer
Susan Stevenson Landis '65
Diane Gail Lehner '65
Mary Frances LeMat '65
Dabney D. Leonard '65 with guest Ronald R. Leonard
Richard King LeRoy '65 with guest James E. Lesch
Bernard J. Lieb '65 M.S. '67 Ph.D. '71 with Frances Ware Lieb M.A.Ed. '75
Kathleen Wiese Little-Astor '65 with guest Bart Astor
Edwin Cornelius Luther III '65 with Roslyn Reams Luther
Nancy Lepanen Lutz
Marguerite Furey Maguire '65 with guest Walter J. Maguire
Samuel Travis Martin, Jr. '65 with guest Elizabeth Despins Martin
Dianne Dettmer Maughan '65
Barbara Louise McDermott '65
Claudia Mahone McDonald '65
Barbara Wampler Melby '65 with guest Tom Melby
Lynn Meushaw Parent '65 with guest Neil Parent
Pamela Brown Michael '65 with guest Robert W. Michael
Marguerite Kelly Morris '65
Martin Matthew Morris, Jr. '65 with guest Gail Morris
John Albert Moyer Jr. '65
James McDonough Murphy '65 with guest Elizabeth Lee Murphy
Janet Thurman Murphy '65 with guest Robert H. Murphy
Byrd Lacy Murray '65
Joseph H. Nash '65 with guest Janis Callaway Nash '67
Jeffrey Burgoyne Nickel '65 with guest Donna Farnandez
Peter Grant Olson '65 with Daisy Molina Olson
Donald Gary Owens, Esq. '65, J.D. '71 with guest Harlean Scott Owens
Marcia Anderson Partch '65 with Harland Bart Partch '62
Sally Wells Quigley '65 with guest David A. Quigley
Dawn Smith Rawls '65
Jean Freeman Reed '65
Jack S. Reid '65 with Judi Goodridge Reid '65
Mary Ann Dalton Repass '65 with guest Gerald Dyer Repass
Fredrica Dudley Rice '65 with guest J. Steven Rice
J. Patrick Ricks '65 with guest Betty Ann Ricks
John Charles Riecks '65 M.Ed. '69 with Alice Bone Riecks '67
Anne K. Robichaux '65 with guest Kenneth Paul Robichaux
Ruth Lavaille Robinson '65
Frank William Roebuck II '65
Mary Liz Sadler '65 with W. Samuel Sadler '64, M.Ed. '71
Michael Robert Schoenenberger '65 with guest Anna Schoenenberger
Ann-Meade Baskervill Simpson '65 with Robert Lee Simpson, Jr. '63, J.D. '68
Randolph Venable Sinisi '65 with guest Joseph Sebastian Sinisi
Michael P. Sopchak Jr. '65 with Dicket Barron Sopchak '67
Shirley Freeze Spalding '65 with guest Bruce Harold Centner
Richard J. Staron '65 with guest Helene Staron
Jean E. Steele '65 with guest Robert E. Steele
Jerry L. Stettler C.P.A. '65 with guest Judy Stettler
Martha Leef Stout '65
Elizabeth White Suchar '65
Scott Hugh Swan Esq. '65 with J.D. '69
Malcolm Palmer Taylor Jr. '65 with guest Rita N. Taylor
Ruth Garnette Saunders Teass '65 J.D. '68 with Horace Teass B.C.L. '67
John Lockridge Trevey, Jr. '65 with guest Ednamae H. Trevey
Tommy E. Vaughn '65 with guest Rita E. Vaughn
Sallie Shwiller Vollerin '65 with guest Bernard Vollerin
Joyce Hoskins Walk '65 with M.Ed. '71 with Lawrence E. Walk '66 M.Ed. '68
Joan Solinger Walker '65 with guest Lewis M. Walker III
Carl Richard Weber '65
William Edwin Wehner, Jr. '65 with Donna Doddson Wehner '67
Jay-Louise Weldon '65 with guest Michael Wynne
William L. Wellons '65, J.D. '68 with guest Jane Dickerson Wellons
Collapse WindowHotel accommodations are available at the Williamsburg Lodge. Special rates are available at this location as well as other Colonial Williamsburg properties.
To make reservations please call 800.261.9530 and use booking code 32128